Vidya Jyothi Hostel was opened and blessed on 14 June 2004. It was the dream of Sr Jyothi our former Superior General to continue the mission of Fr Founder in this village of Londa. As per her vision, Vidya Jyothi Hostel was opened and blessed on 14 June 2004 by the Asst. parish priest Rev. Fr Victor. All sisters along with 10 boarders and the maid Mrs Irene were present to witness this great event. Sr Sheela was appointed as the hostel Warden and Sr Brigithato assist her for the year 2004-05.
To make our hostel genuine home we:

•    Accept every child with her strength and weaknesses.
•    Prepare the children daily for the Eucharist and create in them love for the Word of God.
•    Accompany them during morning and evening prayers and prepare them for the frequent reception of the Sacraments and organize two days retreat every year.
•    Pay individual attention toward their physical fitness and academic studies.
•    Become an inspiration and genuine witness to the values of the Gospel.
•    Give carrier guidance as per their aptitude and sow the seed of religious vocation.


Vidya Jyothi Hostel

LondaTq, KhanapurDist, Belagavi

Telephone No 9353782465
E-mail ID This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Year of Establishment 14.06.2004
Warden Sr Sneha BS
Correspondent Sr Assumpta BS


Sr Assumpta BS


Sr Sneha BS


Students of the Hostel

Hostel Building

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