Dec 11: St Mary’s English Medium Higher Primary School, Kutta went on a tour for 2 days to Mangalore on 29th and 30th of November 2019. Five teachers and sixty three students started our journey at 4.30 am from Kutta. After visiting a few places on the way we reached Mangalore on 29th night and stayed at Sahodaya.

On 30th morning we visited Bethany Mother house, the Founder’s Cottage, Heritage Park and St Sebastian’s Church, Bendur and the founder’s tomb in the church. It was a great experience to visit and walk through the place where the holy man Fr R.F.C Mascarenhas lived and worked for Bethany Congregation and the Bethany Educational Society. We were greatly inspired and touched to see the frugality and simplicity of the life of this great and holy man. We consider it as a great privilege to have visited and prayed at his tomb and receive his blessings. As we visited the first house Bethany we wondered at the wonderful guiding hand of God and the marvelous works he has accomplished by establishing it and allowing it to grow and flourish and reach its present state. The memory of this trip to Bethany premises will linger in my heart forever.


Sr Fathima Miranda, Headmistress
St Mary’s English Medium Higher Primary School, Kutta

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