The day dawned with the sparkles of God’s grace in the sunlight and aroma of Compassionate love. We, the teachers with some students, our Principal Sr Irene and Vice Principal Sr Luciana, visited the women cell of the district Jail. We had an everlasting impact and an unforgettable experience.

Life at its extreme could be witnessed in a prison. The faces were emotionless, actions mechanical, thoughts chained and identities a question mark. The high boundaries, thick walls, heavy gates separated or isolated their lives from the outer world. Our presence glittered the faces of women captives with a beam of hope and joy. It was an unusual day in their monotonous life. The little Stellites put up a colourful, musical, cultural programme and valuable skit depicting morals of life. The little gifts that we carried added delight. Our interactions, loving smiles and soothing words of encouragement eased their hearts. It was just a generous effort to create a difference in their synchronized life, to bring a smile on their gloomy faces to make them feel that somebody has empathy for them. Though their sufferings are unending, yet the efforts of Bethany Sisters brought a momentary happiness on their faces, a hope in their eyes and a satisfaction that someone cares for them. They expressed their humble gratitude for our visit and also shared their misery and misfortune. We came to know that some were innocent and due to non availability of evidence were put behind bars. Most of them accepted the prison as their destiny. Our hearts melted for them. We can’t do much for them but with the efforts of BES, can make them feel that they are a part of our society.

When it was time to part, the women captives held our hands and inquired us about our next visit with hope. Tears rolled from our eyes and we promised them to visit again. With heavy hearts, we retuned back. There were mixed feelings of grief and satisfaction that at least we brought a curve in the straight line, a smile on those faces.


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