Nov 29: St Raymond English Medium Higher Primary School Vamanjoor celebrated threefold events, Annual Day, Decennial and inauguration of the Platinum Jubilee of BES with gusto and glamour on 21st of November. The ground was decorated with colorful lights. The cultural evening was a feast to the eyes. Rev Sr Cicilia Mendonca the Corporate Manager of Mangalore Province presided over the function she applauded the efforts of the Headmistress and the teachers to put up Value based programme. Bethany Educational Society its growth and Milestones were enacted by 125 students of St Raymond’s campus, of PU, High school, Primary and Kannada Medium High School students. 30 minutes programme was witnessed the brilliance and the creativity of students, while the decor entered the guests, the enigmatic performances gave a usual feast. The Heads of the campus joined the guest of the day and flew the lantern to the air and inaugurated the Platinum Jubilee of BES.







Sr Lavita, Headmistress
St Raymond English Med HPS, Vamanjoor

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