June 30: Bethany English Medium Higher Primary School, Mulki had the privilege of enhancing the green day and beautifying God’s creation by planting a sapling to nurture the nature.

The World environment day was celebrated at Bethany School Mulki on 10th June 2023 in order to create awareness among the students on protecting the nature. Sr Charles BS the chief guests called upon to protect nature so that it helps us to live our life. To protect the environment by not using of plastic. This can help us to protect our nature for future generation. She encouraged every student to plant a sapling in their houses and to take care of it. Sr Charles appreciated the students for the discipline maintained.

Students of Grade three and seven gave apt message on preserving the environment. Grow trees and save nature was the call given by the students through their colourful dance and skit.

The programme was compered by Taiseen and vote of thanks was proposed by Deeptha.







Preema D’Mello
Bethany English Medium Higher Primary School, Mulki



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