August 22: The workshop was organised on 19th June 2023. The workshop started with a prayer by Sr. Judith (Principal of Bethany Convent School, Tora, Bargarh). Then there was the introduction of the resource person and Sr. Agnelita welcomed him with a bouquet. All the teachers of Bethany Convent School, Tora , Bargarh had attended the programme.

He started with a question what is teaching? He defined and described and He taught the 8 steps of teaching:
Planning, Preparation, Presentation, Evaluation, Giving feedback, Diagnosis, Remediation, Enrichment

Secondly, he taught about the promotion of creative teaching. He gave us 4 points which are planning, testing, revising and innovation. He encouraged teachers to take their profession as a pleasurable activity. In that he mentioned about how we can make our teaching creative. Certain ways he mentioned such as working with small groups, designing instructional units, love for the subject matter and organising students.

He spoke about school activities such as curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular. He focused specially on extra-curricular activity which includes personal guidance, counselling and community service. He also focused on personality development skills.

This was a good session. Every teacher was ignited about the responsibility they have towards children.



Bibhu Prasad Nanda, Teacher
Bethany Convent School, Bargarh


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