The Annual Sports Day for the student of Junior classes of St Theresa’s School was conducted on 7th and 8th October 2016. It began with the Guard of Honour to the Chief Guest Mr Sujith Noronha, the Vice President of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA), who was accompanied by Sr Leena BS the Superior of Bethany Convent, Sr Premitha the Principal and Sr Shanthi the Vice Principal.
After a short prayer and words of welcome, the Chief Guest hoisted the school flag. Thereafter the Sports Jyoti was lighted, and the chief Guest declared the Sports meet open conveying his the best wishes. Then followed a number of events which were exciting and interesting.

The closing ceremony was conducted on 8th October 2016. Mrs Savitha Pimentha the Corporater of Shivbagh area was the Chief Guest. She was welcomed with the Guard of Honour. After a short prayer, the final events of the day were conducted. Thereafter she gave away the prizes to the winners and awarded individual Championships too. The programme ended with vote of thanks. There was whole hearted participation and sportsmanship spirit throughout the day among the participants.

Sr Shanthi Clara BS
St Theresa’s School, Bendur, Mangalore























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