Nov 29: The starting point of all achievement is desire. If one has the desire to succeed, one surely will. With this in mind and to boost the morale of the students, Annual Prize Distribution day of Little Flower High School Kinnigoli was held on 25th November 2023 at 2 pm at the High School Auditorium.

Sr Dr Lilly Pereira BS, the Correspondent of the school presided over the programme. Sr Premlatha BS, the Superior of Maryvale Convent Kinnigoli, Mrs Hilda Dsouza, the president of Lion’s Club Kinnigoli, Dr. Ratheesh Udupa of Ayurvedic Clinic, Kinnigoli, Mrs. Jacintha Dsa, and the PTA Vice President were the guests of honour. They were escorted by the school band.

Students who excelled in various competitions and the champions of the year were awarded by the dignitaries. Speaking on the occasion Mrs. Hilda, the chief guest congratulated the management for the excellent value based education imparted in the school and the great contributions towards the enlightened society. The students exhibited their talents through their excellent performance in skit, dance so on. It was indeed a proud moment not only for the recipients of the awards but also for their Parents who had been invited to partake in the glory of their child’s success.

Sr Lisa BS, the Headmistress welcomed the dignitaries, Mr. Alwyn Pius Rodrigues compered the programme and Sr Zenita BS proposed vote of thanks.
















Sr Lisa BS, the Headmistress
Little Flower High School Kinnigoli






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