Feb 02: Scouts Guides Cub and Bulbuls Uthsav 2024. Two days residential camp was organized for our students at our school premises on 26th and 27th January 2024. Rev Dr Sr Lilly Pereira the Provincial Councillor of Mangalore Province inaugurated the camp and in her message through a story she stressed upon not to be blind folded but use all the opportunities that are at your door.

Session of the day began with the inauguration, prayer song and hoisting the scouts and guides flag. Morning session comprised of Ambulance service 108 and first aid. It was an insightful session with practical Demo. After lunch the sessions were followed by cooking without fire, craft and Kim games. 15 games were arranged all over the campus which were much enjoyed by the students.

Campfire was a exciting, messengers from four direction brought the messages of peace, love, truth and hope. Children showcased their talents in dance, drama and music. It was fun filled evening that good number of Parents of our students and sisters from Raymond convent witnessed the programme.

Next day morning after B.P six exercise there was flag hoisting ceremony, followed by the wood sign craft session through which students were prepared for hiking. Hiking was very interesting with lots of experiments and exploration. Children unearthed the hidden messages, eventually leading to the final destination. They also played in the river and had fun in the water.

Back to campus at 3.30pm all the group leaders gave the camp report. We closed the camp at 4-00pm by lowering the scouts and guides flag.

The Headmistress Sr Lavita and the entire staff planned the programme well and worked strenuously for its success.


Mrs Prameela Shilpa Menezes, Asst Teacher
St Raymond Eng Med Hr Pry School, Vamanjoor

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