March 06: Orientation for the Staff members of Bethany Convent High School was organized on 5th February 2024. The resource person to conduct the same was Fr. Peter Michael, a redemptorist Priest from the Counselling Centre, Dasai.

The programme began with a meaningful prayer by Tr. Siena. Various activities conducted during the session kept the teachers alert and active. The main activity which made some of the teachers emotional was “Each one, meet one” where in each member had to share their hobbies, favourite food and their dream. They also had to tell the good qualities of the person next to you.

Father also spoke on topics like Peak communication, sharing of emotions, ideas and judgements, Reporting facts to others, cliché level, etc. Father also highlighted the Do’s and Don’ts required and to be avoided to make the work place happier and joyful.


Mrs. Esperanca Sequeira Pereira, Assistant Teacher
Bethany Convent High School, Salcete Goa


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