March 18: Bethany Convent High School, Salcete Goa bid farewell to the students of Std X on 13th March 2024. The day began with a short prayer service during which the entire staff of the School prayed over the SSC students and asked the Lord to bless them by singing the hymn “Showers of blessings.” The students of Std IX under the guidance of their class teachers organized a short cultural programme which included a mime, dance and enacting. The Head boy, Head girl and few more students through their speeches thanked the Management and Staff for their constant encouragement and motivation. The students then proceeded to the Church for the Eucharistic celebration. Fr. Patrick SVD was the main celebrant and the theme was “Sailing with Jesus towards the new horizon”.

After the solemn celebration, it was time to let loose with some yummy snacks and games. The SSC students assembled in the School hall. The School Headmistress Sr. Flavia D’souza and the Manager Sr. Ida Lobo encouraged the students with their words of wisdom and wished them good luck for their Board Exam. Students were given Mementoes in remembrance of the School. The farewell party ended with some exciting games.














Mrs. Millie Dias, Assistant Teacher
Bethany Convent High School, Salcete Goa







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