The Management and the Staff of St Mary’s High School, Arsikere planned a farewell programme for Sr Deepti BS who served as Craft teacher for 27 years and Mrs Lilly Clara Almeida as Second Divison Assistant Clerk for 37 years on 03.10.2020. The day’s programme began with the Eucharistic Celebration thanking God for all the abundant blessings in abundance and marvels of God worked in their lives. The ambiance at St Mary’s was of both of sadness and joy: Sadness because of the departure of two of our colleagues from the institute, and joy because their service was counted and recognized as both reached out to thousands of pupils with generosity, compassion and commitment. Few students, ex-students, friends along with the Sr Louisia the Correspondent, the Headmistress, the staff and PTA members . The speakers at the dais acknowledged their services to the school, society and to the humanity at large. They appreciated Sr Deepti for her love for students especially the poor and the weak and Mrs Lilly for her accuracy and perfection in handling accounts and records up to date and for her humane demeanor. Both of them thanked God for this great opportunity and blessings of God bestowed on them during their service. Mrs. Lilly Clara donated a cheque of `25,000 towards the expenses of elderly sisters of the Congregation. The Correspondent, Headmistress, staff and students of St Mary’s High School remains ever grateful to their selfless service and wishes them a happy retired life filled with the presence of God, serenity and peace. May God bless them.

Sr Cynthia Pais, Headmistress
St Mary’s High School, Arsikere

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