Sr. Dr. Tressilla was accorded a warm farewell by the management, staff and students of St. Sebastian’s High School, Loliem, Goa. She had been working in the educational field in various capacities and recently as Headmistress for a total of 26 years. She was felicitated by Sr. Rose Ann, the Assistant Provincial Superior of Western Province. The whole gathering was welcomed by Sr. Jenifer Fernandes, the Headmistress, followed by the felicitation which included a citation by Tr. Brenda Fernandes, presenting the shawl, a bouquet of flowers, a basket of fruits, momento and a token of love by the staff. Sr. Biana Fernandes, the manager of the school conveyed the message of the Secretary, BES, Mangalore. Sr. Rose Ann appreciated the highly commendable achievements and work accomplished by Sr. Tressilla for a period of 45 years in education. Glimpses of her life in school were presented. Sr. Tressilla then expressed the feelings from her heart and thanked everyone. A cultural programme followed the formal function.



Mrs Melba Dias
St. Sebastian’s High School, Loliem


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