St Raymond’s High School, Vamanjoor organised a solemn farewell programne to Mr Donald A S Lobo on his retirement .The event was marked by gratitude and nostalgia as students and teachers came together to bid adieu to Mr Donald Lobo who had dedicated many years to our institution.The farewell programme was presided over by Sr Cecilia Mendonca, Provincial Superior and Corporate Manager of BES,Vamanjoor. Sr Shubha the Correspondent, Sr Vthalis, the Superior, Mr Janardhan, PTA Vice President were the guests.

The Programme began with a prayer service followed by welcome dance and a short presentation on the name of the teacher Donald. It was a testament to the teacher's influence on the artistic talents of the students, making it a truly and special tribute. The ceremony was beautified with the heartfelt speeches by the guests.

The farewell ceremony was a poignant and memorable event, celebrating a teacher who had left an indelible mark on the school. It was a day filled with deep sense of gratitude. The management, Students , Staff , PTA, Alumni and Physical Education teachers came together to bid farewell to Mr Donald Lobo, leaving everyone with cherished memories, that will be treasured for years to come. Mrs Anusha Lobo compered the programme. Sr Vidya Pinto, the Headmistresses welcomed the gathering. Sr Jacintha Rodrigues. Proposed the vote of thanks. The citation was read by Mr Nagaraj, Hindi Language teacher. The event came to an end with a sumptuous meal served by Mr Donald Lobo.







Sr Vidya Pinto, Headmistress
St Raymond's High School, Vamanjoor










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