"Make the rest of your life the best of your life”. With these words of assurance a cheerful adieu was given to our teacher Mrs. Praseetha .The farewell ceremony was held on January 16th 2024 was a poignant moment, filled with appreciation and admiration. In recognition of her service, for the past 32 years Mrs.Praseetha was honored with a shawl, memento, garland and fruits, cherishing the memories of St. Michaels EMLP School, West Hill. Sr. Judy Varghese the corporate manager expressed gratitude and appreciation to her for her committed, valuable service. Sr. Sujaya the Educational Coordinator, Sr. Lillis the local manager, Sr Anitha Mary the Headmistress, PTA executive members, staff and students expressed their love and gratitude to Mrs .Praseetha.


St .Michels EMLP School, West Hill
Sr Anitha Mary, Principal

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