Mr Alex D’Souza who served Jyothi High School, Ajekar for the past 37 years as a peon got retired on 31.01.2018. A farewell programme was arranged to facilitate and thank him for the long years of service he had rendered to the Institution. Sr Mariola BS, the Education Coordinator of Mangalore Province presided over the programme and honoured Mr Alex.  She appreciated him for his valuable service, loyalty to the management and taking care of all the belongings of the institution with much Love.

One of the Chief Guests Mr Harish Nayak, member of the Taluk Panchayat, Karkal the old student of Jyothi High School was present. In his speech recalled one of the incidents of his schooling days; He said his family was poor. Mr Alex had given him money to buy noon lunch. He also said that Mr Alex has helped so many students like him by giving them food, clothes or stationery etc. He appreciated the hidden charity of a simple man Alex. He was also appreciated and thanked by the Headmistress, Principal, Staff and students of both High School and PU College section for all his noble and dedicated service to the Institution.



 Sr Reena BS, Headmistress
Jyothi High School, Ajekar

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