When we complete our 90 years of glory of St Michael’s Girls’ High School, our four pillars of strength, namely, Sr Jency, Mrs Akuna Mrs Joycee D‘Couto and Mrs Sheela retiring from service. A farewell programme was arranged to facilitate and thank them for the service rendered to the Institution.

Rev Sr Jency Sebastian


Rev Sr Jency Sebastian served at St Michael’s Girls’ High School, West Hill. The amazing mixture of love and affection with which she administered the school was exceptionally admirable. The fact that her style of management was focused on duty, there was a human touch where she valued every individual and always had a positive approach in every situation. Her contribution to the school during this short span of time is extremely commendable. She initiated certain activities in developing the inner talent of the students who brought laurels to the school. The vast wealth of experience in making quick decisions in every difficult situation is worth mentioning.

Mrs Joycee D’ Couto

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Mrs Joyce D’ Couto devoted her time as a teacher for the past 24 years at St Michael’s Girls’ High School, West Hill. She always obtained tips, advice and resource information in managing difficult tasks and solving problems effectively in an efficient manner in all the activities of the school. She has actively participated and supported in all the curricular and extracurricular activities of the school.

Mrs Aruna N K

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Mrs Aruna N K devoted her time as a teacher for 36 years at St Michael’s Girls’ High School, West Hill (Pre-Primary class (UKG)). Hundreds of pupils who have passed through her hands will remember Mrs Aruna N K with deep gratitude, for her selfless work and her devotion to duty. Several years she was the flock leader of Bulbuls an (Organization of guides) and has always evinced interest in cultural and social activities of students. She brought many laurels to our school by making her students to participate in Chitranjali and Sevak Art Festival. She has served the school with enthusiasm and good will in all the activities of the school.

Mrs Sheela

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Mrs Sheela R devoted her time as a Mathematics Teacher for the past 33 years in the Bethany Institutions. Among these years her service was at RCUP School, Pallikunnu and Deputy Headmistress for the past 4 years. She is honest, faithful and sincere in her dealings with students and parents. She spends a lot of time outside regular class hours for the students specially coaching the weak ones. She does all her work silently She is very simple and respectful towards the management and the authority.

St Michael’s Girls’ High School West Hill





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