Having reached the pinnacle of a teaching career Mrs Concepta Hilda D’sa opened the new chapter of her retiree’s life on 4th April 2018. This retirement programme high lighted 40 years of her dedicated service to the Institution. Sr Mariola the Educational Coordinator of Mangalore Province Presided over the farewell function. Sr Divina the Correspondent, Sr Nandita the Superior, Rev Fr Xavier Gomes, Mr Prathvish, Mrm Jovin, Sr Gracy the Headmistress and the PTA vice president, graced this occasion. They recalled all the lives she had touched and all the children she had changed.

Mrs Hilda D’sa was a loyal, committed teacher. Loved by all the students, staff and parents. Her values and virtues motivated the students to appreciate their inner wealth. For her dedicated service she was honored and appreciated.

Applauding on a great career, and a life well spent, and wishing her much happiness and relaxation, in her retirement the gathering bade grateful adieu.



Sr Gracy Monica BS, Headmistress
Madeleine HPS, Mulki

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