St Joseph’s Higher Primary School, Kankanady is situated at the heart of Kankanady, under the patronage of St. Joseph. Earlier it was a thick forest area because of the narrow long street with cross roads existed in that area. Gradually it showed some developmental signs with small shops, a convent and a hospital made it aprominent place. In 1902 Mr J J Pais started a small school. Mr J J Mascarenhas was the first Headmaster of the school.

In 1914 when Rev. Fr R.F.C Mascarenhas became the first Parish Priest of Bendur, the school came under the administration of Mangalore Diocese. So Kankanady came under Bendur Parish and Fr R.F.C Mascarenhas became its Correspondent. When he started Bethany Congregation on 16th July 1921 Bethany sisters began to teach there with Sr Josephine as the Headmistress. Sr Josphine the Headmistress of the school in its early years, and others, who succeeded her, nurtured and made it one of the outstanding educational institutions of the area. In 1972 there were classes only till 5th standard, in 1973- 6th and 1974 -7th Standard. The school was under the jurisdiction of Catholic Board of Education of Mangalore and later was given to the Bethany sisters. As the school developed it became an instrument to educate the needy and destitute children of the locality and the neighbouring villages.

In the recent years, the strength of the students is declining due to English Medium schools. Without getting discouraged, the Headmistress approached Mr Vinay Hegde the President of Nitte Trust to provide free trips to students, so as to enable the distant poor and destitute children from far, to come by bus. Many donors also were contacted to provide books, uniform etc to students as impetus for their attendance.

At present the enrolment of the Higher Primary School is 253 from 1st to 7th standard. The present Headmistress of the Higher Primary school Sr Veena Aranha with her efficient staff holds aloft the torch of education and tries to keep its flame bright and burning ceaselessly.



  St Joseph’s  Higher Primary School
  Kankanady Post, Mangalore -575002

   Telephone No

  Tel No 0824-2432184  /   Mob : 9483544184

   E-mail ID

  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  Year of Establishment



  Higher Primary - KG, I to VII

  Aided / Unaided


  Affiliated to

  State Board


  Sr Veena Aranha BS


  Sr Shubha BS



Sr Shubha BS


 Sr Veena Aranha BS

School Building  St Joseph's HPS, Kankanady











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