Located on the outskirts of Allahabad, just a kilo meter from the sacred Sangam of the Ganga, the Yamuna and the Saraswati, is the fascinating suburban area of Naini. Far back in 1960s it was a desolate area known for Leprosy Mission Hospital and Central Jail, which housed dreaded dacoits and firebrand freedom fighters. The very mention of Naini would send down one’s spine cold waves of terror and panic. The majestic Yamuna River meandered through the region, separating Allahabad from Naini but the two are linked by a colossal bridge built during the Colonial period. To such a strange and eerie place came Bethany Sisters, filled with dauntless courage and unshakable faith. They were Srs Rosine, Noeline, Eunice, Geraldine and Maria Rose.

At that time the literacy level in Naini was abominably low and an English Medium School was a far-off chance. On July 12, 1965 with 60 students in three classes and Sr Rosine as head- mistress, Bethany Convent School saw the light of day. Fr Paul Menezes left no stone unturned to construct an imposing School building. Its growth has been so marvellous that it has now 1574 students, 43 teachers and 12 supporting staff. Advanced computer education is made available to the students. At first the School was recognized by the State Board. Under the able leadership of Mother Gemma it got affiliated to the CBSE. The role played by Shri S.C. Gupta, the Secretary of CBSE needs to be placed on record. The first batch of seven students appeared for the Board examination in 1975 and all of them passed in the first division. The second batch had 13 students and subsequently the number in each batch steadily increased. The 24 batches of students who completed X standard have excelled in their results and are placed well in life. The credit goes to the past principals, Srs Rosalie, Evangeline, Esuria, Hyacinth, Marie Therese, Innocentia and Shaila who spared no pains and worked incessantly for the betterment of the institute. We continue to work as one team and maintain the high standard of the School.

The students have participated in a number of Co-curricular activities and sports competitions and have won laurels.  The latest achievement at the national level Science Congress is worth mentioning.  Besides 15 students obtaining a gold medal each, Monalisa Das, a student of std X, won the title ‘The Child Scientist’ and attended a conference in Chennai along with 5000 scientists from all over the world.

The real aim of Bethany at Naini is not just to   excel in academics but also to develop human qualities. Bethany’s service is extended to the poor people around through outreach programmes. Children are motivated to join school. Women are given training in skills.   Bethany has helped more than 300 women to become self-reliant in recent years, through community projects.


Bethany Convent School, Naini,

Allahabad, U.P. - 211 008

Telephone No. 0532 - 2697351
E-mail ID This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Year of Establishment 1965
Status Nursery to XII
Aided / Unaided Unaided
Affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi
Principal Sr Shamitha BS
Local Manager Sr Zeena BS



Sr Christine Noronha BS
Local Manager


Sr Shamitha BS




Outgoing Batch : Class-XII-Commerce

Outgoing Batch : Class-XII-Non Medical


 School Building










































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Bethany Convent
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D.K. Dist, Karnataka State

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