Bethany Convent School, Jharmunda started with the Balwadi children in the year 2008. There was no proper building for the school. Sisters started taking classes in the dispensary. They left no stone unturned in imparting the education. By new academic year 2009 the school had 33 admissions for three classes viz Nursery, LKG and UKG. The hard work of the sisters and the teachers bore much fruit eventually. Number of admissions got increased gradually. On 25th March 2014 the new school building was inaugurated by Rt. Rev. Niranjan Soual Sigh Bishop of Sambalpur. Thereafter classes were conducted in the new school building. At present we have students on roll 321 from Nursery to class 7th.



Bethany Convent School, Jharmunda

Pardhiapali Post ,Via –Loisingha ,Odisha -767020 ,

Dist- Balangir

Telephone No 09938777496
E-mail ID This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Year of establishment 2008
Status Nursery to X
Aided / unaided unaided
Affiliated to Odisha State Board
Principal Sr Manjula Deepa BS
Local Manger
Sr Agnelita BS



Sr Agnelita BS
Local Manager


Sr Manjula BS

School Building









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