Little Flower Hr Primary School which was begun in 1925 by R.F.C. Mascarenhas the Founder of the Bethany Sisters offered best of the education in Kannada Medium. Having experienced the quality education offered therein, the people of the locality wanted an English Medium School run by the Bethany Sisters. It was indeed the need of the hour. Sr Prashanthi the then Headmistress of Little Flower School worked hard realize this dream and to get the permission from the Educational Authorities.

On 1st June 2005 Bethany School Putter was established as a unit of the Bethany Educational Society ® Mangalore with a vision to achieve all round development of the students through God experience, values and quality education. It pledged to create a safe and sound environment whereby innovative teachers provide value based education resulting in academic excellence.

The school began with 34 students. After 10 years, it beams with 885 students in primary section. By the grace of God, support of the Management and untiring work of the staff, school enjoys as one of the best in Puttur Taluk. Curricular and extracurricular activities are conducted regularly. It has enabled the students to shine at the State and National level in sports and games. School is well equipped with all facilities and an attractive infra-structure. Teaching is done through Smart Class Programme; good rapport is built with parents and the public.



Bethany Hr Pry School, Puttur Darbe,

Koornadka Post, Puttur, D.K Dt, Karnataka-574202

Telephone No. 08251-236233 / 9481214810
E-mail ID This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Year of Establishment 2005
Status KG, I-VII
Aided / Unaided Unaided
Affiliated to Karnataka State Board
Headmistress Sr Celine Petra BS
Correspondent                      Sr Prashanthi BS



 Sr Celine Petra BS


Sr Prashanthi BS


School Building


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Bethany Educational Society®
Bethany Convent
Bendur, Mangalore-575002
D.K. Dist, Karnataka State

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