Inspired by the love and kindness of our beloved founder SD RFC Mascarenhas towards the poor and the girl children and to keep alive his memory the Bethany Sisters took initiative to start the U.K.G. class for the poor and the girl children of this area.

In the year 1974 with 17 students Sr. Leonie the first Headmistress started the U.K.G. class in a small shed adjacent to the already existing St Michael’s Girls’ High School. Later the classes were upgraded to STD. IV, she continued her office till the year 1979. Sr Trinita took charge of the U.K.G. section from 1988 – 1992 Sr Celia was the Headmistress. Sr. Celia managed the school efficiently seeing to its growth.

 Sr Trinita returned as Head Mistress for a second term from 1992 to 2002.  From 2003 to 2005 Sr Ancita was the Headmistress. It was in her tenure that the L.K.G. class was added to the institution. With this there was a rapid increase in the number of students. So, we started with one more division to class I. This took place when Sr Annie took charge as Headmistress. In the following years one more division was added to every class up to std. IV.

 Sr Deepa then took charge as Headmistress in the year 2007.  During the second year of Sr Deepa’s term the school was shifted to Msgr. Raymond Block, which was newly constructed in 2009-10, with the financial help from the Province. The PTA which was functioning along with the High School section so far was separated in 2011-12, being Mr Pankjakshan as the first president of the PTA.

Sr Vinitha Priya took charge as the Headmistress in the year 2012. During her tenure the Computer Lab. was inaugurated on 6/1/2014 by the then collector Mrs C. A. Lata IAS.

Sr Jency Sebastian took charge as the Headmistress in 2015.  At present the strength of the school has increased to 668 students.  We have 20 Teaching Staff and 3 Non-teaching Staff.

We find the school atmosphere conducive for the purpose for which it was started, as the teachers are dedicated and hard working. Even though we put up with a lot of inconveniences, the blessings of the SD RFC Mascarenhas enables us to move forward spreading the message of Truth, Love and Service – the Motto of our School.


St Michael’s E.M.L.P. School, West Hill

Calicut, Kozhikode, Kerala - 673005

Telephone no 0495- 2381377
E-mail id This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Year of establishment 1974
Status LKG - IV
Aided/unaided Unaided
Affiliated to Kerala State Board
Principal Sr Anitha Mary BS
Sr  Lillis BS



Sr Lillis BS

Sr Anitha Mary BS



School Building












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