It all began in 1945 when Fr Figerdo Alwero was the parish priest of St Anthony Church Sirsi. He was well aware of the mission of the Bethany Sisters in some parts of Karnataka like Mangalore, Dharwad and Guledgudd. During this time the parish priest was inspired to invite Bethany Sisters to render their service to the people of Sirsi in North Karnataka. So he expressed his wish to the then Mother General Sr M. Martha. Fr Founder R.F.C Mascarenhas joyfully accepted the invitation and visited Sirsi along with Sr Magadeline to look for a place. But Founder was discouraged to start a convent here in Sirsi since it was a thick forest with wild animals. And the people were suffering from malaria everywhere. When Fr. Founder decided to return Mr Peter Machado pleaded Founder with tears to start a convent in the name of Mary Ave Maria who will be the protector of the sisters. Founder was moved, and consulted the parish priest and an agreement was made. The dream of Fr Peter Machado was fulfilled on 24th May the feast of ‘Our Lady of Help’ in 1945. The pioneer sisters were Sr Macra the Superior, Sr Luvina, Sr Maura and Sr Mana began their life in Sirsi. The Prominent leaders of Sirsi Mr S. B. R. Dias, Mr Inas Dias, Mr Joy Mascarenhas, Mr A. B. Vaz and Fr Peter Machado welcomed the sisters with love & Joy looked after all their needs.

The generosity of Mr Joseph Mascarenhas enabled the sisters to live in his house and begin the school for the children without being paid even the rent of the house. The church authorities gave 6 acres of land for building the convent and the school. In order to help the sisters financially they opened a shop and gave the money to the sisters to construct the building. Even sisters prepared some handiwork items, sold them and utilized the money for the building.

In 1945 two schools were opened; one of English Medium and the other Kannada Medium. Unfortunately the English Medium had to be closed down. But the sisters progressed in developing each class in the Kannada Medium. Sr Macra was the first Head Mistress in the school. The sisters worked hard to bring up the school. There were only 59 children who were admitted in the school. The united efforts of the then sister Headmistress brought the school to a great height and the students have moved out with flying colours. Children are not only provided knowledge but also given opportunity to develop their talents through co-curricular activities. The School has a name not only at the Taluk level but at the State and National level.

At Present the school is running successfully under the care of Sr Clarette the Headmistress. The teachers play their role as per the guidance of their Headmistress. Currently there are 1187 children from L.K.G to VII Std. With the blessings and protection of Ave Maria, through the intercession of our beloved Fr. Founder the school is realising the vision and goal of the BES. Thanks to the President, Secretary and the Education Coordinator for their constant support, guidance and encouragement to carry on the mission of education.

Address Ave Maria Higher Primary School, Sirsi, Uttara Kannada Dt, Karnataka - 581401
Telephone No 08384 - 225853
E-mail ID This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Year of Establishment 1945
Status I - VII
Aided/Unaided Aided
Affiliated to Karnataka State Board
Headmistress Mrs Monika D Souza BS
Correspondent Sr Therese Leena BS



Sr Therese Leena BS


Mrs Monika D Souza




School Building








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