The Venerable Uktara Bethany College, Manmow, Namsai, Arunachal Pradesh - the land of sunrise is a Catholic Minority Institution run by the BETHANY CHARITABLE TRUST (R) registered under the Registration of Societies Act 21 of 1860, on 13 September 2012, in Guwahati. The tryst with VU Bethany College in Arunachal Pradesh started with an invitation from Rt Rev George Pallipparambil, Bishop of Miao Diocese, Arunachal Pradesh, in the year 2012.

Mr Chau Khouk Manpoong a former local MLA offered the required land with certain conditions and the Bishop conscious of his mandate to bring the blessings of higher education and total well being to all the people offered to start the college. The Bishop invited Bethany Sisters to take over the mission of starting the college and the Bethany Management wanting to be true to the avowed preference of the founder to bring light and life to the marginalized peoples especially the tribal peoples, accepted the challenge of venturing into higher Education for the benefit of the youth in general and of young ladies in particular.

The VU Bethany College, the first and only Catholic College in Miao Diocese was established on 16th July 2014, the Foundation Day of the Bethany Congregation with the solemn inauguration of its Academic session graced by Rev Fr. C. C. Jose SDB the Vicar General of Miao Diocese. The formal inauguration of the college was done by Shri NabamTuki our honorable former Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh on the 2nd of August 2014 in the presence of  august gathering consisting of  Rt. Rev. George Pallipparambil sdb, the Bishop of Miao diocese, Sr. Rose Celine BS the then General Councilor and the Secretary of BES Mangalore, Karnataka, presently the Superior General of Bethany Congregation, Sr Joy BS the Provincial Superior and the Corporate Manager of the Bethany Educational Institutions in North East, Guwahati, her Councilors, Seven other Ministers, Local MLA Mr Jingnu Namchoom, Mr C K Manpoong and many other eminent educators, well wishers, parents and students who have added their blessings for the growth of our institution.

The new college is named as Venerable Uktara Bethany College as per the wish of the Monpoong family in memory of Venerable Uktara the youngest brother of Mr C K Manpoong who was a great Buddhist monk and died young.

During the earliest academic years 2014-2017, the quality education for both Humanities and Commerce streams with enhancement of personality development and value based training and tuning of young hearts benefitted the lives of  as many as 264 students  belonging to different tribes and religion from all over the state. While Commerce stream secured 100% pass result in four semesters, the Arts stream in two semesters secured 100% and in other two 96% and 98% that created the history for academic excellence ensuring greater confidence of the general public in the  VUBC standards of education  year after year.

 Following the BES pedagogy, besides regular teaching and learning through varied and creative methods, Catechetical, Moral and Value based instructions and the co-curricular activities are the part of the college life emphasizing the search for total self-worth among the students. The entire students’ body is enlisted for NSS activities. For Catholic students, Gospel leadership training is given under the banner of ‘Bethany Champions’ which is an association for the Catholic youth under the guidance of Bethany Educational Society. The national significant days and festivals are celebrated in instilling in the young minds the spirit of selfless love and patriotism.

    A dedicated band of four Bethany Sisters Sr Noeline BS the Superior of Bethany Convent and the administrator of the College as the pioneer, Sr Teresa Martis BS the principal, Sr Janet BS the Vice-Principal, Sr Eva BS the Ladies’ Hostel Directress and Sr Sukhi Therese BS then and now Sr Hedwige BS as the accountants  with twelve  faculty members put in a lot of hard work to raise the bar of the academic performance of the students and to excel in formation of their character and personality development thus shaping the image of the Manmow mission.

We entrust this nascent institution in the Divine hands for the onward march of excellence and wellbeing of this institution. May it flourish and impart the light of knowledge and wisdom to the youth of Arunachal for the generations to come and transform the society and the state.



Venerable Uktara Bethany College

[Bethany Charitable Trust®] Manmow, Namsai, Namsai District. Arunachal Pradesh 792103

Telephone No Principal: +918132897267/ +918794493427 Administrator: +918974814711
Email Id This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Year of Establishment 2014
Status Unaided
Affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University
Manager Sr Premitha
Principal Sr Janet Mendonca BS



Sr Premitha BS


Sr Janet Mendonca BS











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