Everyone desires to move forward! Moving forward implies that underneath there are hopes, dreams, ambitions and ideals to be realized. It signals to accomplish something sublime and noble which is transcendental by nature. Our students have stepped into our educational institutions in this academic year looking for opportunities to realize their aspirations and dreams indicating their desire to move forward. They trust greatly and believe strongly that their prospects will be flowered with proper guidance and care. The Management and the Staff has the responsibility to meet their expectations and unfold their potentials in this another academic year. In this pursuit, planning coupled preparation is desired, sacrifice coupled with discipline is needed, determination coupled with conscious efforts is required.

It is very encouraging and promising to see the students cladded with uniform of varied hues and colours entering our sacred campus for learning. It speaks volumes of their goals and objectives in life. Their decisive and purposeful entry into the portals of wisdom has to be attended to carefully and conscientiously.  They have to be taught not only the lessons from their text books but also the art of living. They have to be taught to brave storms courageously, admit failures gracefully, accept misfortune honourably and face frustrations graciously. They have to be taught to scale higher in spite of adverse situations. This indeed is education, which is holistic and inclusive. I remember at this juncture, Abraham Lincoln who wrote a letter to his Headmaster when he admitted his son to the school. A few lines would be in place here: “Dear Sir, teach him, if you can, the wonder of books; but also give him quiet time to ponder the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the garden and flowers on a green hillside... Teach him, it is far more honourable to fail than to cheat…Teach him to have faith in his own ideas…Teach him always to have sublime faith in himself because then he will always have sublime faith in humankind…This is a big order, but see what you can do…” Yes we have a big task ahead during the year and the years to come.

I invite you dear teachers to see your students more than what your eyes can see, to teach more than what their printed books contain. Teach them to wonder at their inner beauty, to appreciate their inner resources and to acknowledge their unfathomable mystery. Remember that the beautiful part is inside as in the case of a pencil. Remember every child is a bundle of potentials, yours is to unfold, reveal and disclose its inner wealth. It depends how you do it. In this context it is worthwhile to remember the words of William Arthur Ward who said “The mediocre teacher tells, the good teacher explains, the superior teacher demonstrates and the great teacher inspires”.

Let’s pledge to make our students more human, more civilized; let’s inspire them to be divine enveloped with values and virtues, let’s motivate them to be socially responsible, let’s teach them to be loyal sons and daughters of India.

I pray God’s blessings on the Heads of our institutions, staff and students during this academic year 2017-18. May all be well!

Sr Mariette BS
Secretary, BES Mangalore

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