Celebrations are like spices. They add taste and flavour to our lives. They break the monotony and generate new fervour and enthusiasm. They display creativity and unity of minds and hearts. Scanning through the first few months of this academic year we realize that every monththere have been some celebrations or the other. The month of June received the students warmly into the portals of their schools in tune with the musical band. I am sure suchspecial gesture has given them a message that learning is a celebration to be cherished and not an exercise to be abhorred. It is to be valued and not detested. At this juncture, I congratulate the Heads of the institutions and thestaffwho have created a celebrative mood in the school campus, inviting students to take delight in learning and discovering something new each day.

It is pleasing to note that there have been various celebrationsin the past three months in the school premises - the Bethany Foundation Day (July), Independence Day (August) and the Girl-Child Day (September). This issue captures the celebrated moments of July, August and September and the novelty exhibited by different institutions across the country. In addition, it also places before you in a nutshell the reports of the Bethany Educational Society ® Mangalore presented during the Council of Management, the Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) and the National Educator’s Meet. Page after page you will find the description of many celebrations and the narration of special achievements. Reading through them, you will make a note of the brilliances of our students, glories of our staff, geniuses of the heads of our institutions and the masterminds of our Management. May God be praised for what is achieved already by BES and bless the journey forward!

Learning is a process. The lessons are to be gradually unfolded to our students tactfully and skilfully. Apart from giving them intellectual knowledge, they need to be equipped with inner strength to battle against the counter forces in the society. They need to be fortified within to make choices out of convictions and not compulsions. They need to be prepared to face adversities like brave brands and emerge as heroes/heroines without getting succumbed to the negative influences of the media. In this pursuit what is needed is that they focus on their intellectual abilities,talents, skills, creativities, ingenuities,multiple intelligences and offer to the society something new and innovative that builds and enhances life. In all this, the values endorsed by all religions have to be backbone of our students. At this juncture what the father of our Nation, Mahatma Gandhi said is worth remembering

Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.

Let values guide our students and let them be guarded by our institutions!

Sr Mariette BS
Secretary, BES Mangalore

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