Dec 15: Annual Day Celebration of Little Flower High School, Kinnigoli was held on December 6th, 2022 in the school auditorium. Dr. Lilly Pereira B.S. the Correspondent of the school presided over the programme. Fr. Lancy Saldanha, the Principal of St. Mary’s Central school, Kinnigoli, Dr. Deepak R.D. the senior student of the school, Mrs. Philomena Sequiera, the Ex-President of Gram Panchayat, Kinnigoli and Sr. Premlatha the Superior of Maryvale Convent, Kinnigoli were the guests of honour. The dignitaries of the day were escorted by the school band. Sr. Lisa the Headmistress of the school welcomed the dignitaries. The students who secured highest marks in SSLC were honored along with students who were selected to participate in District Level Prathibha Karanji. The president in her address thanked the parents for their wholehearted co-operation in making education a joyful experience and encouraged them to inculcate right values in their children. After the stage programme a beautiful colourful cultural programme was presented by the students exhibiting their talents. 
















Sr. Lisa B.S, Headmistress
Little Flower High School, Kinnigoli


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