August 11: The first match of Zonal Level tournament marked its beginning in the campus of Bethany English Medium High School, Kilpady, Mulky, with volleyball match. Formal function was inaugurated by Mr. Ashok Shetty along with the presence of BRP Mr. Hariprasad, CRP of Mulky cluster Mrs. Vivila Pinto, CRP of Ullanje and Padupanambur cluster Mrs. Jyoti, CRP of Padmanur cluster Mr. Ramdas Bhat and Mangalore north Taluk Physical Officer Mr. Bharath K. Tournament kick started by an energetic service of Kilpady Gram Panchayat Vice President Mr. Gopinath Padanga. Total of 12 school teams participated in this event. In the boys category winners were Rotary English Medium High School, Kinnigoli and runners were Maryvale High School, Kinnigoli. In the girls category winners were SDPT Kateel and runners where Rotary English Medium High School Kinnigoli. Cooperation of staff and volunteer students made this event a grand success.


Ms. Bangera Deeksha Jinaraja, Asst. Teacher
Bethany English Medium High School, Kilpady Mulki




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