August 16: Our institution strives for creating the new era everyone dreams of. Scouts, Guides, Cubs and Bulbuls units which work to inculcate the qualities of discipline and patriotism among the young boys and girls.

Mrs Assumpta, the Pre-ALT, Sr Vithalis the Superior and Local Manager of St Raymond Institutions inaugurated the Scouts, Guides, Cubs and Bulbuls units. Sr Vithalis in her address wished the students and blessed the students to grow in patriotism. Sr Flavita Lavitha Flock Master, Mrs Anthony Mary Scout Master, Mrs Anila M V Cub Master and Mrs Pramila Menezes Guide Master took the responsibility to train the students. Sr Lavita the Headmistress took keen interest to train the teachers and start the units in the school.







Sr Flavita Lavitha B S, Assistant Teacher
St Raymond Eng Med Higher Primary School, Vamanjoor

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