NEP-2020 has brought in a scaling change in higher education of the country. V U Bethany College, Namsai affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi Central University Itanagar is set to launch 4 years Degree course on 17th August 2023 as directed by the university in all its 42 colleges across the state. A novelty in higher education is at the door step ready to enter in. The seminars, programmes and guidelines to all the colleges for the past 2 months have gone a long way in preparing a right mind set in management, faculty as well as the students and the parents. Crossing all the barriers of honours course, the Choice Based Credit System and now 4 years course with research is about to begin.

The College has welcomed the course with a challenge to change! The students have embraced the course with enthusiasm and a spirit of exploration. The course contains multi-disciplinary subjects wherein a student has an access to learn subjects of other programme and equip oneself with knowledge of other discipline. The diverse subjects in one programme for 4 years will provide an opportunity for students to make a direct entry into research dispensing the PG Course provided a student obtains higher credits. It’s a leap for the college into the unknown and a challenge to aspire into the system. No doubt, the students await the innovation with eagerness.


Sr Janet Mendonca, Principal
V U Bethany College, Arunachal Pradesh




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