Sep 22: On 9th of September 2023 a joyful gathering of the girls of Jyothi English Medium High School, Bengaluru 84 was held in school auditorium. Girls from 6th to 10th Std were happy that their day was being celebrated in the school- Girl Child Day. At the outset the girls were greeted with a song and prayers.

Miss. Florence and Dr. Angeline James from Sunithi Solomon Foundation addressed the girls. They both emphasized that the girls assert themselves as girls and always to be able to stand up for the cause of girls. Later the boys of the school were more interested to put up a programme for their companions. Some skits presenting the reality of the present condition of girl children was enacted. Some prizes and games were conducted for them. The girl children were happy for having the day kept in honour of them.

Sr Simon, Headmistress
Jyothi English Medium High School
Kacharakanahalli, Bengaluru


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