Oct 19: The feast of St.Therese of Lisieux and the World Elders Day was celebrated in our school on 30th September 2023 with great enthusiasm by the primary students. The day began with the festal mass celebrated by Fr. Vijit Mathias, the Assist. Parish Priest who called upon the students to become little flowers in the school garden and to imitate the simple ways of St. Therese which was followed by a short cultural programme. The programme commenced with a meaningful prayer service followed by the introduction and welcoming of the guests; Sr. Xaverina Rebello, the Superior of Assumption Convent, Karwar and Mrs. Clara Mathilda Veigas, the Ex – Teacher of St. Sebastian’s School.

The existence and life of St Therese was presented through the PPT and it was made more interesting by conducting a quiz on her life. Elders are like the guiding light which was presented through an action song by the students. Various appealing scenes of St. Therese were acted by the primary students. As a token of love and respect for elders our Headmistress, Sr. Jenifer Fernandes BS, honoured Mrs. Clara Viegas with a bouquet and a gift.

Sr. Xaverina, the Chief Guest addressed the students beautifully by encouraging them to imitate the simple ways of loving others. She also spoke on the importance of having elders in our life. At the end, Tr. Rashmita Satarkar proposed the vote of thanks.

Mrs Margarita P. Pacheco, Primary Teacher
St. Sebastian’s High School, Loliem, Goa





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