Nov 27: On 17th November, 2023 a sense of anticipation and excitement filled the air as Bethany English Medium School, Vaibhav Nagar prepared to embark on its grand inauguration ceremony. It was a time to thank God the Almighty for being with the School Management throughout the construction of the building.

A symbolic ribbon cutting ceremony by Sr. Sandhya, the General Councillor and the Secretary of BES, marked the official opening of the school building, Most Rev. Dr. Derek Fernandes, the Bishop of Belgaum Diocese blessed it. The inauguration also featured the unveiling of the plaque bearing the School name by Sr. Sally, the Provincial Superior and the Corporate Manager of BES. The event concluded with the expression of gratitude from Sr. Joylet Fernandes, the Headmistress of the School, acknowledging the dedication of everyone involved in bringing the new building to life. The function was graced by many other eminent people. Good number of Bethany Sisters, students, teachers, parents, and well-wishers were also present on this occasion.

Distinguished guests shared their words of wisdom, emphasizing on the Importance of Education in Shaping the Future. Their motivational speeches inspired not only the students but also the entire community, to actively participate in the educational journey. The inauguration of Bethany English Medium School building was not just an event; it was a celebration of progress, growth and the unwavering commitment in providing students with the best possible educational experience.







Sr Joylet Fernandes, Headmistress
Bethany Eng Medium School, Vaibhavnagar






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