Nov 29: Annual prize distribution day of St Raymond Eng Med School was held on 25th November. Sr Shubha BS presided over the function. Professor Dr Aldrin Vas the Principal of Thejaswini Nursing College Kudupu Mangalore was the Chief Guest. He appreciated the management and staff for their keen interest to each child of the class. He also expressed the bond between parents, teachers and students is outstanding in all the activities.

Variety of entertainment was performed by the students. Parents witnessed the programme. Sr Lavita welcomed the gathering, Sr Lavitha Flavita unfolded the report of the academic year. Various activities conducted during the year, winners were congratulated and awarded with prizes. Mrs Pramila Menezes compered the programme, Mrs Anila expressed her gratitude for the wonderful day.





Mrs Patsy Divya Monteiro, Assistant Teacher
St Raymond Eng Med School Vamanjoor



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