March 06: Bethany Convent High School, Sao Jose de Areal conducted the Inaugural Activities of the Twin Jubilee Celebration of 150th birth anniversary and 125th anniversary of Priestly Ordination of Fr. Founder Msgr. Raymond Francis Camillus Mascarenhas . The day began with the Bethany Anthem followed by the garlanding of the bust of Fr. Founder. The girls of Std IX performed a beautiful dance on the song, “Aiz ugddasacho pordo ugodtta”. A meaningful prayer was conducted. As the participation was made compulsory, students enthusiastically took part in various class activities like Rangoli, Collage making, Drawing, painting, Fancy Dress, Bethany formation, Essay /Poem writing etc. organised from Pre-Primary to High School. It was indeed a day of celebration for the entire School.


Mrs. Silvia Jacob, Assistant Teacher
Bethany Convent High School, Salcete Goa

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