March 06: The Directorate of Higher Education (DHE) and Goa State Higher Education Council (GSHEC) had extended an invite to our institute to be a part of the Vidnyan Dhara 2024 which aims at fostering scientific inquiry among young minds. This serie is scheduled to take place from 12th January to 28th February. Vidnyan Dhara 2024, seeks to ignite the spark of curiosity and innovation among students.

With respect to this, the resource person Professor Ramesh V Pai from Goa University was deployed to our school to spark the curiosity among class 9th students on the topic “ How elements are found” on 16th February 2024

Professor Ramesh enlightened the student about the basics of universe and how every element was formed through various processes. The session ended with a range of questions put forward by our young minds to settle their curiosity.


Mrs. Henria Menezes, Assistant Teacher
Bethany Convent High School, Salcete Goa

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