March : February 24th 2024, is a red letter day for all of the Sisters, Catholic Staff and students. Primary and High Schools came together for a vibrant and energizing Catechism Day. The day was a testament to the schools' dedication to nurturing young Catholics, fostering a love for their faith, and building a strong community.

Sr Veena the Superior, Sr Linda the Correspondent, The heads of Loyola institutions Sr Renita and Sr Benigna, the whole gathering with light candles in procession thanked the Almighty had in Joyful melodies.

Primary and high school children enjoyed enacting First miracle of wedding at Cana, learning about key figures and parables through skits, portrayal of bible characters, and songs. Catechism Day culminated with a moment of reflection and gratitude.

The gathered people left with renewed spirits, a deepened connection to their faith, and a strengthened sense of the joyous Loyola community.


Sir Francis Santacruz, Assistant Teacher
Loyola High school, Gadag


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