Mrs Sylvia Geetha Dsouza, the Science Teacher of St Joseph’s High School, Kankanady was retired on 31.05.2021. She had rendered valuable services to the institution for the past 33 years. Bethany Educational Society and the staff of St. Joseph’s High School are grateful for her selfless, dedicated, committed service towards the education. As she continued her service after the retirement, the farewell was given on 31.05.2022. Rev. Sr. Sandhya BS, The Secretary of Bethany Educational Secretary, Rev. Sr. Roselyta BS, The Treasurer of BES, Rev. Sr. Anitha Shanthi BS, the Superior of Bethany Mother House, Rev. Sr. Maureen BS, the Correspondent of the School, the headmistress of St Joseph’s higher Pry. School Rev. Sr. Veena BS and the staff members graced this occasion.



Reena Priya Saldanha, English Teacher
St. Joseph’s High School Kankanady




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