17 May : Sir Devadanam Andrew Mendam worked for 25 years and retired in the month of Jan 2022. Felicitation program was on 31st March 2022, on this joyous occasion Sr. Sally, the Provincial Superior and the Corporate Manager of Western Province, Dharwad presided over the program.

The gathered assembly along with Sr. Valentina and Miss Naina prayed for his well being and his family and thanked God for his valuable contribution. Sr. Sally the Corporate Manager along with Sr. Selvi the Headmistress Honoured Sir Mendam with a shawl to express the respect and gratitude.

We are grateful to God for his Silver Years of service at St. Michael’s Convent High School Ambewadi, Dandeli. The Appreciation certificate was read by Sr. Premalatha on behalf of BES, Headmistress, staff and students. The staffs wished Sir Mendam with floral bouquet and students with the piece of music sang the felicitation song.

“Dear Sir Mendam, We will gratefully cherish the sweet memories spent with you and pray God’s abundant blessings upon you and your family”.

The Headmistress
St Michael’s Convent High School, Dandeli

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