Mrs. Eugene Dmello a dedicated teacher of St Joseph’s Kan Hr Pry School Sagar got retired on 30.11.2022 having served for 38 years 6 months. She was a strong pillar of the institution. The farewell programme was presided over by Sr. Sahana the Corporate Manager of Bangalore Province. She applauded Mrs. Eugene for her long years of committed service to the institution and honoured her with a warm and grateful heart. Sr. Sharlet Rodrigues the Educational Co-ordinator of the Province and the Correspondent of the school was the Chief Guest, read out the appreciation letter of the BES, Secretary, Mangalore. Sr. Lydia D’Souza the Headmistress, the heads of the other schools, Sr.Dora BS her sister, Fr.Paul Crasta, Assistant Parish Priest of St. Joseph’s Church, Sagar, her old students, relatives and friends too enumerated her great qualities. Mrs. Eugene was over whelmed with joy and gratitude for the Institution and the Management .We wish her a joyful and prosperous retired life.




Sr.Lydia D Souza, Headmistress
St. Joseph’s Kan Hr. Pry School, Sagar


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