Mr Vincent Lasrado, an efficient teacher of the school who awakened joy in creative expression and planted the seeds of knowledge in the young minds of students, got retired from service on 19th December 2022. The farewell programme was held on 4th January 2023 in Sacred Hearts’ Auditorium with great respect and honour.
Mr Vincent was offered the ‘Poornakumbha’ welcome by the students and was ushered to the programme by the dignitaries along with the school Band. The programme began with a prayer song followed by a welcome dance performed by the students.

On behalf of the Management, The appreciation message of Secretary BES was read conveyed and gift was offered. Sr Ida, Superior in her Presidential address appreciated Mr Vincent and greeted him well to his retired life. Mrs Jennifred and student Chrishel shared the loving, caring moments of experience.
Mr Vincent in his farewell speech thanked the Management staff and students for their endless love shown towards him. Mrs Harinakshi anchored the programme, Sr Anitha the Headmistress of the school laid the red carpet to everyone with her soothing welcome speech, and a word of gratitude was uttered by Sr Loyan.
The staff and students greeted Mr Vincent a very happy, contented and adventurous retired life.

Mrs Kaitha AS, Assistant Teacher
Sacred Hearts' Hr Pry School, Kulshekar


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